Writing A Research Paper The Easy Way

For those who have the skills to write and write well there is an inherent human responsibility to help share this knowledge with all peoples of the World. One of the best ways for higher level intellect with those writing skills to share is to write research papers. Of course it is not easy to write research papers, as there are various rules and formats that are somewhat inconsistent throughout the world.

The differences with language do not make it any easier. Indeed, I think we need a universal “Human Information” research paper format. This would really help for the future of “World-Wide Web III” and semantic searching as well as with the current searching of “content” or “headings” as it would also allow for eventually work also for “graphs, pictures or charts.” We must unite human knowledge beyond language.

“The language barrier prevents communication and communication prevents wars, this divide we must cross” – Lance Winslow 07′

Most seasoned research paper writers research paper writer use templates and keep research writing handbooks by their sides. Recently, I told a research friend who explained the methods he used in writing papers; “I wish you would have told me that 7-years ago, I have a lot of catching up to do. Having written some 10,777 articles and realizing that about 10% need to be made into papers with the ideas thoroughly flushed out, it would have been nice to know these things years the prior.”

How can you learn to write research papers?

Well, I recommend that you teach yourself to write first and learn to write well and simultaneously read a few books on writing research papers. I have some books I in my current reading stack;

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers;

Format College Writing, How to Write a White Paper;

College Writing-A Rhetoric and Handbook;

The Bedford Guide for College Writers

I have been paging through them and highlighting main points. A fellow researcher that participates with the Online Think Tank states; “I also have a couple of books that are quite good on this: Jim Ramsay’s ‘Write Your Own User Guide’ is the one I keep at work.” I also recommend downloading some free Research Paper Templates from Microsoft.